Posts tagged self-examine
Shedding Light on Fear
Liturgical Living/RitualsLeah Slawsonliturgicalliving, epiphany, Light, silence, stillness, spiritualpractice, whole, livingtheliturgicalyear, gratitude, leannatankersly, coping, self-examine, falseself, self-awareness, conqueringfears, namingfear, namingemotions, emotionalhealing, hopewriters, spiritualhealing
Slow Down: Exposing What's Underneath
PrayerLeah Slawsonslowing, simplicity, spiritualformation, spiritualpractice, turtle, slow, soulthirst, self-examine, transformation, self-awareness
Seeking Forgiveness: For What and Why?
Roto-Rooter and Self-Revelation
How You Are With People Is How You Are With God
Drain the Thought Puddles
What to Give Up to Get Your Life
Boundaries, PrayerLeah Slawsonself-awareness, self-examine, soulcare, shaunaneiquist, presentoverperfect, bittersweet, coldtangerines, monastic, breadandwine