Shedding Light on Fear
Liturgical Living/RitualsLeah Slawsonliturgicalliving, epiphany, Light, silence, stillness, spiritualpractice, whole, livingtheliturgicalyear, gratitude, leannatankersly, coping, self-examine, falseself, self-awareness, conqueringfears, namingfear, namingemotions, emotionalhealing, hopewriters, spiritualhealing
Slow Down in the Turns
Sacred SpacesLeah Slawsonslowing, Light, presence, hopewriters, spiritualformation, spiritualpractice, practicingresurrection, St.John'sEpiscopal, labyrinth, stjohnsmtgy
A Reflection on Failing Lent
How You Are With People Is How You Are With God
You'll See...Let Yourself Be Seen
It's 1% Theory and 99% Practice
Mopping the Kitchen on Sunday as Worship
How's That Waiting Working?